The Tester set include 1 PCS 2004 LCD Module and 1 set LCD tester;
Because the tester is customed,there is no plenty production,
so in hand quantity limited,all these are manually assembled;
It's not new but very useful
Supports common LCD screen test as 122*32,1602,1601,2004,4002,1604,4004,128*64,192*64,240*64,160*128,320*240 Etc;
How to operate:
Exaple 1:
Test 320240 14pin 1.25*14 No controller Chips;
Step 1:
check LCD interface define,connect with right port of tester;
Choose CN2 ,insert 320240 adaper borad cable(Green ring)
Step 2:
input right code of your LCD type(refer to Tester Code list)
Input "32B24"by Keyboard directly,then click "D" button for confirm input
Usually the LCD in your hand,you know it’s backlight type;
If LED backlight,Rotate to 5V;
IF CCFL backlight ,rotate to CCFL(please note this area is high voltage);
IF EL Backlight,rote to EL(please note this area is high voltage);
Few LCD are special backlight voltage,you’d accord to your lcd;
”V-LCD”(Usually said glass voltage VEE,Related to negative pressure and negative pressure chip)
accord to your LCD and the tester LCD tip,adjust “V-LCD”;
If comes with negative voltage chips(as 7650,7660,766 models....Chips),usually adjust to EXT;
Usually small LCD,as 1601,1602,12232,2004,4002,no comes with negative chips.match with "-5v” ;
If 12864,19264,240128 24064 no comes with negative chips,usually choose -12V;
if 320240 no comes with negative chips,usually choose -24v;
"VR" used for adjust contrast
Exaple 2:
Test a 2004 LCD
Connect CN1(Use the Mini Board);
This LCD pin define is as below picture:
about mini boards,if LCD 15,16 pin are backlight pin,Only jumper 1 and 3 Jump to the outer edge of the small board;
If LCD 19 and 20 are backlight pin,Only junper 2 and 4 jump to the outer edge of the small board
Step 2:
Check and search LCD tester code;
The 2004 code is "4A408D"